
4 Tools for you to do you.

"Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid"

The most important thing you can do in is more you than you've ever been. These 4 pillars are the key elements we use to support you in being the unique snowflake you were designed to be.

Wealth Wheel

The Wealth Wheel is the foundation to a wealthy and optimal life, tracking the 20 most critical resources in your life and helping you identify where you either experience fulfillment or lack of it.

We aim to help you develop your optimal whole life by assessing and tracking these resources. 


Da Vinci 12

Do you know how Leonardo da Vinci was able to do so many remarkable things?

As we analyze and explore these 12 traits that da Vinci embodied,  we have the opportunity to develop and connect with these traits. Understanding the potential in ourselves brings a greater understanding of how such values can enable us to live more extraordinary lives.

Human Design

Ever wish you had a user manual for your life? YOU DO!!

“Human Design is a user manual for life, a “no-fault” manual and guide for life.” - Ra Uru Hu

Human Design is a system based on ancient wisdom and sciences that gives you the blueprint to who you are created to be. It provides awareness to your strengths, shadows, and areas of wisdom along with providing you key indicators to live aligned with your higher self.

Some of the most powerful components of HD is understanding how your energy flows through you and in relation to others, how you best make decisions so you are aligned with your subconscious, how you assimilate and learn, and of course all the deep levels into your health and sleep. 

Gene Key

The Gene Keys, a grand synthesis of practical wisdom to help guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your true potential.

Like a precious treasure map, this website invites you on a journey of self-discovery to find the true higher purpose of your life.

“This is their (Gene Keys) sole purpose – to take you to the very banks of the eternal.”
- Richard Rudd

Conscious Human OP Syst

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