Experience is My One True Mistress
Leonardo da Vinci
Become A Da Vinci
and live life on your terms.
Ready to be surrounded by other misfits?
Join Becoming Da Vinci and get access to assessments, reports, classes, tools, and experts supporting you to be the highest version of yourself.
One size doesn't fit all but society pushes everyone down the same path of standardized school, college, and working on someone else's dreams for a paycheck. Barf.
Abe and Jannica founded Becoming da Vinci to empower our tribe to march to their own drum beat and take the leap away from the status quo.
We honor and serve individuals who are ready to ignite the highest version of themselves.
We do this by embodying the 12 traits of Leonardo Da Vinci and to support each other and our newest members to be uniquely themselves.
If you desire to make the world better we'll help you take a look at yourself, and make changes so you can use your life and your influence to usher in a world more kind and loving than how you found it.
Becoming Da Vinci is a platform bridging learning, coaching, consulting, and community to move from awareness to mastery in various skills and topics.
We analyze the life of Leonardo da Vinci and world-changers to foster dialogue and spark movements to live, learn, and work contrary to the status quo.
We're a blend of “embrace your freak”, “hold my beer”, and “let’s save the world”.
We all learn differently so we mix together community, events, webinars, publicly shared experiments, downloads, and assessments.
Becoming da Vinci serves its community online through our social accounts, podcast, newsletter, and website.
~ John Brent